The settings for the DIM function are found on the CONTROL ROOM strip. You will also need to check each track has a valid output assigned to it to ensure that it plays out of the 2i2. If the Monitor volume knob on your Apollo is blinking and you have no audio output, then you may have the DIM function enabled with the DIM AMOUNT set too high in the Console application.

If you set this to 'off', do you no longer get sound to your amp? As was previously mentioned, it sounds like you will need to enable input monitoring in Logic's preferences to hear the plug-ins as you track. The sound you're currently getting is likely from the direct monitoring function of the 2i2 - this can be toggled with a switch on the front panel of the 2i2. For starters, the new Zen Tour sees the addition of 4x DSP chips and a total of 2x FPGA processors, a huge push from the original’s lone FPGA FX processing chip.

It is class compliant and uses Apple's CoreAudio driver to function. The Zen Tour successor brings major upgrades from the original, which was Antelope’s first attempt at a formidable desktop-sized audio interface. Universal Audio is the world’s leader in Thunderbolt audio interfaces, analog recording hardware, and UAD audio plug-ins.
You will not need to install any software to use the 2i2 in Logic or on your Mac. When the 2i2 is selected as the audio device in Logic (this is necessary to record to, or play back from, Logic) all input will be routed from the 2i2 and all playback will be routed to the 2i2 - this is why you get no playback from your Mac speakers when the 2i2 is selected as the audio device.